My plaintext logging approach

On and off, I use an approach of logging thoughts in plaintext.

Here is what it looks like:

2022-03-08 Tuesday
  o Holiday

2022-03-07 Sunday
  o Vacation


2022-03-06 Sunday
  • Publish week­notes

2022-03-05 Saturday
  x Draft week­notes
- That C tweet sure went viral
  • Groceries

2022-03-04 Friday
  o Vacation
- Made giant batch of pasta sauce
> Groceries


Each entry is quite short — just a single line. More in-depth writing goes into my notebook, for which I use Bear.

Weeks are separated by ---. This makes finding the right week easier.

Past months are moved into a separate text file. This way, everything I need is in one text file, and past notes are out of mind and out of sight.


Prior work

See also

  1. Patrick Rhone, “The Dash/Plus System,” January 1, 2013. ↩︎