Scrivener is the text editing application I use for writing any but the most trivial pieces of fiction.
At some point, this note will be filled with details about how I use Scrivener. But not just yet.
Split fullscreen
On macOS, attempting to split a full-screen Scrivener typically doesn’t work: you’ll see the 🚫 icon instead. This happens because the minimum width of a Scrivener window is fairly large.
Hiding the Binder and the Inspector, and then going into split full-screen mode seems to do the trick.
- manuscript-compiler converts a Markdown input file to a nicely-formatted Manuscript PDF
I have written about the limitations that I perceive with Scrivener. They are mostly related to its lackluster Markdown support. In reverse chronological order:
I’ve been playing with an idea (in my head) of creating a structured prose editor, whose raison d’être would be to avoid the limitations I outlined in the weeknotes entries above.