Bike accidents in Berlin
I have had plenty of near-accidents in Berlin. This is my attempt at cataloging them, in the hope that it is useful at some point in the future.
There are two lines. Red line is the car, and green line is the bike.
The overlap is the danger zone (of course), and explicitly indicated with a ⚠️ icon.
A car driver taking a turn, and driving on the cycle lane:

A car driver going on the bike lane to avoid humps:

A car driver sorting into the right-turn lane, crossing the bike lane without looking:

In this situation, there are two turn-right lanes. The car drivers on the right-most usually (not always) wait for the bikes to pass, but occasionally this car gets overtaken by another car, turning right on the second (leftmost lane) ignoring bikes:

To document:
- intersection Hannoversche Str, Torstr, Friedrichstr (no bike lane, cars crush bikes)
- Same at Rosenthaler Platz intersection